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Retired Head Civilian Council
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silton last won the day on December 11 2024

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About silton

Olympus Plus
  • Birthday 05/29/2001

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    Hunting Grounds
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Olympian (4/7)



  1. Very sad . But you are the worst dep chief of all time.
  2. @ ViiRuS This the kind of hold you're leading?
  3. @ stunna 4 years on still living rent free in the minds of noobs.
  4. Free Silton from FUHRER MAKO

    1. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      SMH free my gang uniforms from fuhrer @ Mako

  5. @ -dante- Why didn't my comp request look like that?
  6. If it's good for the manager it's good for me
  7. Free Rabid and Big John.

    Plenty of creatures get unbanned but not 2 staples of the community. Sickening

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lea


      I will say that Big John did take on the impossible task of teaching me all aspects of civ things on the server. The fact that he had to draw the route on the map for me the first time I did a pharma alone, should give him a single pass. I do not know all the details about the situation that got him banned, but I do know that some poor choices were made, which is unfortunate. Yet, he taught me to run feds, BWs, pharma, cartels, and conquest which clearly shows how mentally unstable he is. It, also, shows a commendable amount of kindness and patience. 🧁


      Rabid and Goat were endless entertainment and I never had an issue with either, not that I do have many issues with players. 

      So you've got my vote @ silton 🧁🧁

    3. ben-


      just get them to do the piss drink method alhumdullilah

    4. Jazzy


      free big rab 

  8. Hardly doxxing. McDili only gave me a forum restriction for posting a photo of your dad. Servers gone soft.
  9. Definitely the worst it's been since I've played. Pretty sad there's a real lack of consistency when dealing with bans.
  10. We all hate @ -dante- !!!!! Worst admin ever.
  11. silton


    @ Sevro known whiffer
  12. @ -dante- You could learn from this.
  13. I was waiting for you. Took much longer for you to swoop in and make a VDM remark. Actually disappointed Well when you're getting the staff points from unbanning him you could also do my comp request. Cheers
  14. @ -dante- If that's VDM but I wasn't VDMd at the pharma you're actually retarded. Also siding with the faggots with thousands of hours robbing a frog run with multiple ifrits is sickening.
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