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TheRandomOne last won the day on December 31 2016

TheRandomOne had the most liked content!


About TheRandomOne

  • Birthday July 9

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  1. Boop

    1. -dante-
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Still don't think you and @ThatRandomGuy have ever been seen in the same room together.


    3. TheRandomOne


      Oh hai @Dante


      And I mean, no one ever technically saw @Poseidon and I in the same room. Depending on who you ask, it was just me constantly talking to myself 

      @Grandma Gary 

  2. https://gyazo.com/9ab8c41e506aa4c290f9552c5434e8b9


    3 mins and im back. Lets gooooooooooo

    1. -dante-


      Capt. Morgan in hand, right?

    2. TheRandomOne


      Nah, I finished the Captain that day/night @Dante

  3. got banned from the TS 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Luke Duke

      Luke Duke

      Last time I got drunk I crashed 3 orcas and 2 mh9s on cop cause someone said I was lying about flying through the solar tower 

    3. Mercury


      @Bow I don't white girl wasted

    4. TheRandomOne
  4. Shit. Someone let me post here. Hey cheeto. Talk to me.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. TheRandomOne


      says the incompetent admin 

    3. -dante-


      1 hour ago, Grandma Gary said:

      pfft Dante shits incompetence. 


      1 hour ago, TheRandomOne said:

      says the incompetent admin 


    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Who do you think recruited him you coon?

  5. That moment when Hostile Takeover tries to "recruit" you. *shudders*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dangus


      Lol. Sounds like a good time. We'll have to play sometime soon btw.

    3. TheRandomOne


      I'm down, felt good to Arma again

    4. Dangus


      I'll be on around 4 I think. Who knows, let's just play soon.

  6. So I have about 40 pieces of CSAT still, now seems like a good time to sell them. I'll make a post with pictures and shit,but who's interested?

  7. Good luck! @Tman15tmb
  8. I'm guessing you had the same idea then?
  9. TheRandomOne Battlegrounds Why? Looks like it could be fun! And mostly because everyone I know is playing it and I miss playing games with them haha.
  10. So is Battlegrounds actually worth it or is it just a hype train right now?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TheRandomOne


      My biggest gripe is that it's ONLY one game mode

    3. -dante-


      Well, that's why it's not a 60 dollar game. I'm hoping even out of beta it never is because of the fact that it's only one game mode. 

  11. When/how did that become an insult anyway?
  12. "On your neck for no reason", eh?
  13. @Dante Fleury still have the video?
  14. And yet I've seen you cheat on the cqc server a couple of times. You even posted it to your YouTube....
  15. Whays that cqc server everyone plays on called?

    1. -dante-


      Uncle Geo? Assuming you're referring to the one we played. I haven't seen it on my recent list in quite a few days for some reason. I don't know if it's down or what. 

    2. RogueMK


      They got a new server due to the 64bit it's still called the same just takes some searching 

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