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Dep Chief NYPD

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About Dep Chief NYPD

APD Officer
  • Birthday November 11

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Citizen (3/7)



  1. Who’s gonna throw out the rule book when you get tased in the water now ?
  2. Goodluck on real life g-cyan
  3. Just tase them all and rob them they stop coming back works everytime
  4. @ Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup
  5. Admin brandon called me a fagget in restraints so yeah call everyone you see one it’s allowed
  6. Give this man mod 2
  7. The apd
  8. Bring back my n word diamond
  9. Games die because people get to soft let the slurs fly and gamers will continue to game
  10. Not anymore that the nypd is around
  11. New players come to kav the apd can’t touch you in that area weed is a green zone now and you can make abunch of money starting up
  12. Classy stop getting arma’d this is to many
  13. We need slavery bring back naked getting forced to work
  14. Are you not the guy that answers these questions a yes or no is basically your job
  15. Bro you guys have held me for for 49 minutes before because the apd was under attack I don’t wanna hear it
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