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About TIGG3R

R&R Medic
  • Birthday 01/06/1999

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  • Arma 3 Player ID
  • Olympus Gang
    Zoo Culture
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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. no balls you won't pussy
  2. Is Olympus still thriving? Returning after like months of inactivity. Tell me if it's still the toxic community I thrive on or is it part of the cancel culture? Enlighten me!
  3. Yeah man, we making a return
  4. Ah bet, we Gi Joe is Unpermed so we gotta all link up again
  5. Do you even still paly anymore?
  6. Sophia has a missing clothing store now... @Zahzi @Fraali
  7. 1 mill and a donut
  8. Grenade kill against APD was actually baddass! NoCap
  9. I wanna win
  10. Thanks bro So the donator skins I’m already tracking. However is there a post to get a visual of all the added ifrit skins?
  11. I just returned back to Altus life after a long break. I saw they added so many new skins since I last saw. Sooo, I think it would be cool to see some actual pics of some of the rebel vehicle skins. I already bought all the civ vehicle skins for every land vehicle. However, civ helicopters and rebel vehicles are still unknown to me.
  12. whos streaming this shit
  13. Ya, my stats page is still broken even after I cleared my cache and cookies...
  14. @MajorPain I made 40 mill in bets and the very next server restart I lost 75 mill. I know the pain
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