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Locked The Ghosthawk.

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I have to admit that the Ghosthawk being out adds way less value to it. Its overused. There is no need for a Ghosthawk on routine patrols, it should be used for responses to major incidents (Riot/Terror/Jailbreak/Fed) or as it is worded LARGE GANG OR REBEL ACTIONS. Its a major weapon of war out on patrol on a regular basis, this is a RP game... if the state of Altis is so decayed that it requires constant armed heli patrols of the map why do I have to send a text to someone in a gang im at war with to shoot them? Why do cops bother even reading us their charges.. they should be just as corrupt as they are in 3rd world countries where you get beaten and put in jail if you refuse to pay your bribe for w/e trivial offense you committed. Muh immersion!

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