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Eric Austern

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Everything posted by Eric Austern

  1. Loving #3 and #7
  2. What happened to your internet bud?

    1. Vicious_Guinea_Pig


      still aint workin, practically given up, but thanks for the help, probably going to take it in for a check up next week.

    2. Vicious_Guinea_Pig


      also is there a ts i could talk to you in?

  3. Yea then it's most likely an issue with the drivers over writing each other, do #3 first then #4
  4. Ignore what Brennan said. 1. Firstly make sure what you're using for Internet. If you're using something such as a wifi adapter check if there's a software update. If both Ethernet and Wifi are built into your motherboard then check your manufacturers website for a driver update. 2. if that doesn't work run an antivirus program (I recommend malware bytes)to make sure you don't have any unwanted programs . Then run a registry scan in ccleaner and restart the computer after you're done. If that doesn't work move on to step 3. 3. (Based on https://www.maketecheasier.com/remove-old-drivers-windows/)Open up command prompt as an admin (win+x) then run the command SET DEVMGR_SHOW_NONPRESENT_DEVICES=1 after it's done open up device manager and open all the tabs. Then delete/uninstall anything thing that's highlighted or greyed out. Run another registry scan in ccleaner when this is done and restart your computer. If all else fails proceed to step 4 4. (Based on https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/929833) If everything else doesn't work there may be some corrupted system/os files. To check for this and have Windows automatically fix this once again open command prompt as admin and run command sfc /scannow hopefully it works
  5. He ran me over
  6. Medium Rare with Garlic paste/sauce and a side of grilled veggies.
  7. Cmon guys, there has to be someone that agrees with me. Like I understand that there's a bunch of brainwashed maniacs that are offended by ever tiny detail of their inescapable history but cmon, someone needs to make a good WWII game. And by good I don't mean nail all aspects of a modern shooter but then completely fail on the historical aspect and fill it with bias and whatnot. Take CoD WaW for example (I personally love it), it was a great game, but some moments were just incredibly cheesy in the campaign. Oh look how flawlessly the Red Army barraged Berlin, when realistically the death ratio was 10 Russians to 1 German. Hopefully the new Battlefield is going to be WWII related.
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