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Posts posted by Superiorr

  1. 2 minutes ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

    Firing pin removal imo was less for cops and more for vigi's or people robbing.

    You say that but cops still use the shit out of it and its aids.

    2 minutes ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

    Removing the Federal Event channels does absolutely nothing because someone will go in TS and see 15 people in a channel and think "wow there must be a Federal Event going on???"

    You are right

  2. Just now, DeadPooL said:

    Nooooo srs would titan every air vehicle. 

    I was half kidding it will never happen I just hate how its used as a power play oh the bomb blew spray everyone down oh the trucks getting away spray it down oh we are losing the fight come in a ghosthawk and wait to get shot so we can spray them down 

  3. 4 minutes ago, TheCmdrRex said:

    That wouldn’t explain why feds and done but not BWs. They both get stacked.

    Bw is stupid hard if anyone gets lethaled or restrained you have like 40 seconds in between waves to help them and if you do even make it out your just followed by 10 retards in quilins a spotter in a oraca and a ghosthawk

  4. 2 minutes ago, TheCmdrRex said:

    I think that lack of blackwaters 110% has to do with lack of reward. I think that it is necessary to be adding a new y inventory item worth a shitload to to BW to make it worth the time and effort that it takes to do it.

    There is a lack of blackwaters bc as soon as one starts there are 20 retards in a channel and a ghosthawk pulled at the end

  5. I personally dont think cartel fighting will make a come back. The reason I stopped fighting and many others did is becuase we have so much time played, came to the realization that Arma engine is trash for competitive combat, sick of all the toxicity/cancer, and overall its just gotten boring. 

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