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Everything posted by LongInactiveAccount

  1. Must say the kills are nothing great HOWEVER I'm not gonnna lie I enjoy these little fights to watch
  2. 3.MEDIC (higher ranks): Anybody but fucking @DaneG
  3. Think this community would die, everyone would be permd. Nvrmind i forgot perms last 3-5days
  4. Well that changed quickly Or make his ghosthawk fire blanks, either or will do
  5. I mean considering comps applying to some people and not others I don't see how it isn't. While OS nuke 15 freshies in kavala square by repeatably ramming there cars with a spawned in chrome zamak transport
  6. Really is a two tier structure in this community. Oh mr Y is a MC corporal - Comp applies Oh mr X once called me a poopie head in side chat - Fuck him
  7. Chasing 1mil of virtual money worth like 3dollars irl really gets the heart beating
  8. How does it make no sense though. They've made up in same way for the persons losses due to the rule break. The victim loses fuck all, so why does it make no sense?
  9. 500k for a fucking mask which covers your name. I thought csat prices were fucked.
  10. Sweat shops in china pay more than that. You might want to reconsider your career path
  11. He paid comp for the combat store, which I'll take a guess was the chop value of the vehicle, if this was to happen nothing was lost by the reporter except 'a RP situation' but who the fuck is into that shit. As a result why should frosty be banned? Nothing negative has occured
  12. Think I've found myself a new money making method. Get someone to pay you comp Report them Make a comp request Basically duping money Even still the ban should be appealed dumb ass
  13. After your montages I don't think you have much room to speak
  14. I really hope Bohemia is taking the piss with the updated helicopters, its fucking unusable
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