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Everything posted by marsoc

  1. did you kill anyone while you did it?
  2. thank you for rectifying Mcdili and i understand what your saying thank you for setting the bar straight. have a good one brother
  3. thank you for responding rouge but like i told everyone here reporting and capturing a video is good but unfortunately the damage is done already. but thank you.
  4. i am sorry you feel this way McDili but due to my experience that is not what i am seeing. as i have witness a gang member log out with the same name and log back in with apd tag then show up in town as a cop and let a crime be committed by his own gang member. please dont take any disrespect from this but i have seen it with my own eyes and im not shooting the shit, this is what i mean by corruption and of course you cant see it happening because the limited cops on the server is probably why most crimes go unpunished with only 7/7 cops available for active duty. with 80/80 players or should i say gang members. on personnel note i appreciate the hard work admins do and i realized you cant be in places all the time but please note that because people know this they exploit the situation and take advantage. this is what corruption is. thank again for your time.
  5. Augustus i agree 100% with you but my argument was not the server it self but the people and the level of rdm commited compared to asylum that was my argument, like i have said previously that i like olympus alot better than asylum due to the fact that i like some poeple understand the amount of work gone into the server for e.g having NPCs rather than tablets on stands for menues. but again its the people that ruin the game and it just outright sad that roleplay is dead in olympus. Hence gang runned server @deathsnare i agree with you as well bud and im happy that the server is populated and doing well but imagine yourself playing at a very beginning stage where you only have 20,000 $ then only to try and farm oil, peaches and mine etc, but then get robbed every time you try to process or turn in for money. imagine doing this every 2 hours of your day not making any money how would you feel. i understand what everyone is saying report or take video but like i said unfortunately the damage is done and your back to square one now with no money. but bare with me and understand that not everyone can join a gang and its hard for solo players out there when the server is run by gangs not admins or proper authority figures, and when i say corruption i mean the fact that most gang members join apd and use that to their advantage. thats all i have to say about that. thank you for you time gents.
  6. i understand bubbaloo what your saying but unfortunaly even with a report the damage is already done. thus rusty is why anyone playing solo will have no problem making money.
  7. What Midget muncher is saying is that asylum is the better of the lesser 2 evils i say this because asylum is more accessible and better in my experience, why because everybody or most people let players make money, i was in olympus but decided to try asylum and now have set my loyalty there reason being is because i play solo and you cant do that when you have fuckers rdming you constantly when your trying to make money. in asylum people actually talk to you before robbing you or tag along with you due to more friendliness. in olympus i constantly get rdmed with out initiation and the server is fucked beyond repair due to corruption and gangs over populating the server. even if you tried to join a gang you either get fucked by your own gang member or get fucked buy other gangs so bottom line room for making money in olympus is slim but asylum is much friendlier environment, dont get me wrong there is still rdm due to idiots but not as much as olympus. please note i am not trying to hate on the developers for the server a big shout out to them if people like my self knew the amount of work went into making the server then more appreciation would be had but i must apologize and say that the server is fucked due to the fact that people just dont give a fuck and nobody Roleplays as much as people do in asylum for e.g i am driving in the main road by the airport and a medic stops me like a cop and we role play everything is fine. but in olympus if that shit happend i would have been shot before i could say anything. thats all i have to say thank you and have a good day.
  8. is any memebers of Tree, Hive, or SF hacked if they are god bless america and fuck everyone hope they Get fucked
  9. Hear Hear Sir
  10. i know he is i was being sarcastic but thanks bud. i wasn't going to actually going to do that only a simple fucking moron will do that lol
  11. is this guy for real
  12. i would like to rp as a private contractor gun for hire for the good guys
  13. im ok with that seriously if you guys are serious let me know
  14. i would like to start a group that would be dedicated to taking down the top 5 most wanted whos with me?
  15. fuck yah laurens 100 percent agree thank you low tire senior Andrew for explaining it to me much appreciated brother
  16. yah i know that brother but is there a way i can acquire that gear.
  17. McGill how did you get that gear Fucking Operator As Fuck brother
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