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  1. wasnt even talking to you my son
  2. There's serious situations and arma situations. Im done addressing you obviously are too upset to tell the difference. - Can't say get over it and yet continuously stay with my name in ya mouf. Get over me pls.
  3. Stalkeerrrrr Pls leave me alone im a just a kid
  4. My #2 fan, soon to be #1 at this rate? He mute, but he look
  5. There's serious situations and arma situations. *Im done addressing you*obviously are too upset to tell the difference. - Sov the cringey forum lurker + I can literally see you lurking viewing the page, you can lie and say its noti's all you want lol You're literally lurking ight now as I type this, yet there has been no additional comments to give you a notification lol
  6. lol U dont shower I can smell you through your PFP, and it's odd to flex your part time job at wendys. I'm not camping you literally keep replying to me, when you stopped quoting and tagging me I stopped talking to you. Now do what you said you would do and be a submissive sov, Stop addressing me. You're done addressing me remember? Remember when you said that? And now you stalk me, Waiting with this very page open, waiting for the reply every time you see my name pop up on the bottom.
  7. There's serious situations and arma situations. *Im done addressing you*obviously are too upset to tell the difference. - Sov the sperg + You're literally on a public forum retard its not YOURS sperg. Just wanted to grab what I said last time you said it's YOUR post. It's on a public forum you fucktard. You had literally stopped replying to me, and now you feel the need to continue for a dozen pages out of pure saltiness even though YOU said you would stop addressing me. LOOOL I see you there at the bottom of the page waiting for me to finish my post you fuckin weirdo XD
  8. Oh jeez its gonna have another breakdown again, remember when you said you would stop addressing me? No one was talking to you, attention whorre
  9. Thats what u said last time lol Do like Sov and stop quoting/replying and tagging me and you don't have to hear from me cupcake
  10. There's serious situations and arma situations. *Im done addressing you*obviously are too upset to tell the difference. - Stop replying and and tagging me and you won't hear from me any more, Ceasy Sov and Desist
  11. There's serious situations and arma situations. *Im done addressing you*obviously are too upset to tell the difference. - You would just tag me in other shit
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