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Everything posted by Mist

  1. Looking to buy a 4 crater and garage anywhere around the map, preferably the two are in the same area, if you got any you wanna sell post in this thread or hit me up on discord: hiddenmisttv Also willing to settle for a 3 crater as well
  2. 3mil
  3. Bump, also will settle for 3 crater
  4. Looking to buy a 4 crater and garage either in: DP: 22 DP: 3 DP: 5 DP: 11 Hmu on discord if interested or leave a post here Discord: hiddenmisttv
  5. sounds good just send me a pm when ur good to sell
  6. meet me in the middle and let's do 10 mil.
  7. Probably 7-9 mil
  8. Looking to buy a Meth house up North around DP4 or something nearby, preferably a 3-4 crater house.
  9. Server 1 or 2? As for payment, i don't really know what the going rates are for garages but I can start off with a 5.5 mil offer
  10. Garage too? Not looking for only one of the two, need house and garage
  11. PM me or post a comment if you're selling the above near/in any of the areas listed
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