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Nixon Jones

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Everything posted by Nixon Jones

  1. That's something I can definitely fix
  2. @Poseidon @TheRandomOne @Domo Arigato @Hot Pocket Finished the 1st example for the News Team, what do you think?
  3. I'm at work atm and I'm still here... Reply with something funny and ENTERTAIN ME!!!
  4. This doesn't have to be mandatory, you may just say it for your own RP experience.
  5. Sorry my man, didn't know your profile name ._.
  6. You got a point to prove or just a certain answer?
  7. Should the Miranda rights be included for the APD for when someone is being arrested? For me it would give a bit better chance for the role-play to happen between the officer and the offender. What do you all think?
  8. Hope not that many. As long as there's no Jail Breaks that require bringing a Ghosthawk I shall be fine.
  9. You can see it in the top right corner. Bail Price: $8,272,290
  10. I NOW regret killing all of them.
  11. I would love for this kid's reputation to be +10
  12. https://www.twitch.tv/brizeplays/p/693097721483441732
  13. HAHHAHAHAHAHAH You actually recorded it Funny as hell. Rex hit the back rotor, couldn't control it.
  14. @TheCmdrRex @Pledge @Strikke @DarwinsMisfit @Rogue
  15. If there are a few things you would've done differently, make them yourself. Don't come to my post to tell me how to make something I've done for a while. End of story.
  16. If you check on my profile on my Topics, I've always posted pictures like these and I take their names out and I add them themselves after manually. I'm sure @EatMeth and @Gibbs would prefer for their names to show up on the Olympus forums, for them to feel recognized. Maybe that's just me.
  17. But you must be responsible with what you do, after all, every other APD officer learns and follows to what you do.
  18. I'll go ahead and say that I tried, didn't know too much what to do with the screenshot, I'll say that I tried. @Gibbs @EatMeth @TheCmdrRex @Bubbaloo Burrito @Grandma Gary @Doc Actual screenshot ^
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