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Everything posted by Trilux

  1. Well, it's not hard to find me, my name is rather unique... Although I will state I gave you my legal name, not my birth name.
  2. Agreed Copy that, 10-4, roger dodger, over and out Don't know how to reply to this, but ugh same?
  3. Thanks, I think Buckie? +1 Both It's the principle Have a problem with my name? Thank you I don't know, I don't want to know, but I kinda really wanna know? Thank you?
  4. That would be my gang leader Haiwood not me Lucki. Haha
  5. I would like to take the time to own up to all of my mistakes. I've distanced myself from friends, and started to become the person I hated the most, myself. As a sociopath I lived my life with the missing feelings towards other people, and I let it be an excuse as I lived my life. Through my years of living I became confident being negligent to fixing myself, I assumed why should I change for others. I abused friendships and relationships I held and in the end I can't ask for forgiveness of the people I've done wrong. Recently thanks to a vary special person who I have fallen in love with I've started to feel different. I experienced emotions and still don't know how to control them, it's no excuse but it's a reason. I can tell this person loves me as well, but I can't have her go through what I've caused when I get certain ways. I'd like to take the time to apologize to several players who I've taken action without a logical approach. [Tree] Wash, you know exactly why you're the first person on this list and I'm truly sorry for everything. I've caused you heartbreak, and I can only hope you've grown stronger from it. It's my fault, in the beginning I blamed the mistake you made of not informing me but in the end I chose to keep going even after being informed. That's my fault, but I'm not and never will give up on her. Grandpa Squid, you're a sidechat warrior and although I never let things get to me. I was going through a battle with myself. I put these new emotions on you and developed a hatred for you although you were just being a typical player on the internet, I hope you can forgive me. Fastik, literally took two blackfishes from us in a single run with a suicide vest. I kept telling myself I hated you because my gang did and it was no excuse to hate you. Honestly I don't know you and I'm sure you're a cool guy. Corporal Moob although you have no idea what you did, you caused my emotions to get to the best of me. I wrote a forum post that started a lot of controversy for yourself and your gang. You're a cool guy and I'm sure you're an amazing leader, but I had no reason to actually be upset. It wasn't my ground to cause you problems, I hope you can forgive me for that. Clemenza, I understand with that same post you defended your position and the gang you stand behind. I had no reason to be hostile with someone I was challenging unintentionally. I'm more than aware I owe a great gratitude to you for being there for my APD test and giving me one of my favorite experiences in Olympus. I hope you guys can accept my apology, I was unstable and let small things get to me. It's completely understandable if you all still think I'm just some child with a mouth that can run. I've caused to many problems to the one person I care most about, and although this isn't going to fix anything it's a start. Hopefully you guys understand a first love can change a man for the better and the worse then you should know where I'm coming from on this. I will admit I let a computer to fight my battles that I started simply because I could. I've enjoyed the community that I've some what gotten to know and while there is still a lot of you I don't know I look forward to our experiences. Sincerely Tyler Marvin Forge
  6. Talindor You've been on this server for awhile, and if anybody should have their doubts about a subject as sensitive as this topic may be it deserves to be discussed, it's a clear communication barrier that's being addressed, why is it that things like this stay quiet until it's brought up by someone by me. Then a short reply is made to dismiss it as anything but these "dismissal" messages just denied "MCPD" rather than what I said. It's as if there's something here more than what's being stated. I'm sure you've made some notices on how things work actually behind the scenes. Everyone is quick to become toxic about a situation rather than briefly clear things up, of course when they do attempt to clear things up it's more of a work around or stating that they have the power to do so. It's upsetting to see that they do actually have the power to go around every rule, but I see there should be exceptions to what I'm saying to an extent. Also there's still no evidence that he actually that anyone took a test just a "He Said, She Said" which is quite annoying.
  7. Great, instant down note without reasoning, where have shown my "fucking stupid" for you to make that assumption and elaborate on it for me.
  8. You're in the wrong as well Clemenza, although what you did doesn't go against the rules you stated that you cut a "deal" that doesn't benefit you whatsoever yet since when did people start caring about others to go out their way to put them in a position of authority. Even now with MC requesting the shit out of our member Haiwood you've offered many things for him to join so what makes this case any different, out the kindness of your heart? How does this conversation even get brought up, doesn't seem like you stated she reached out to you. Just my personal opinion that you're more bothered by the face of me saying I used MC as a click bait which is believable because it works as it is an actual problem, but you have stated anything on my conserns of players not receiving the same treatment.
  9. I'm sorry that it came off like that, but it's a fair topic. MC (and by MC I mean the leader) used his authority/position to obtain something that is completely out of the norm to benefit himself. It's unfair that things like this happen yet most players struggle to get an APD interview within decent times and most deputy's don't see Patrol Officer until they career cop it. In most arguments lately it's always been stated that the way the server operates is rather strict but when something that involves a sAPD who has these connection to MC or are in MC get blown over since like the server rules state can completely and fairly go around the rules to get their way.
  10. Damn that one hurt, -1, but just like myself we should both get our facts straight before you say something like that.
  11. To make things fair, I never stated once that any of these players were or was in MC, what I had stated was that Moob had used his power within the APD to gain power within the field of Medic and being that he's the leader of MC took time to click bait the item MCPD.
  12. What if they only allowed a single gang member to the sAPD. It wouldn't prevent corruption, but it would stop the oligarchy.
  13. So like why isn't this being fixed? It's literally aids....
  14. This is cancer...
  15. Word from the APD is Corporal Moob is giving away cop promotions for free if you give him a higher medic rank without the test for it. If I'm right Mecury got that Corporal rank, Dante got Patrol Officer and I think Victoria has Patrol Officer and doesn't have a single minute on cop. It's a little too soon since that MCPD post was made, come on MC you know better...
  16. We decided to come back, thanks Nova
  17. Are you referring to me or the beef going on in the comments? It is...
  18. Then there's people like you Moose, who would of made the call to kill Harambe all over again
  19. I figured I might as well right the abundance of information here since where else would it matter to be at. I've come to the conclusion that comments such as "X was shit anyways" and "Fuck that gang" will appear but it meant a lot for me to be in to begin with. In this moment I want you to consider your own gang and I'm sure you'll look back on all the great times you've had. So consider yourself when you read my post. I went through a lot of shit through my life, being that I never cared for anyone to start with and had trust issues. I lived the majority of my life dormant, scared that if I gave someone my trust they would shatter it. Back in May of 2016 my last best friend had expressed that our friendship should stop. I went through an emotional state and one point considered killing myself. Came to the conclusion that there would be no point in taking my own life but for the longest time I was afraid of dying. I had literally nothing to live for, I ran a failing company since I stopped being productive, and the friends in my circle switched from inviting me out to asking if I was okay all the time. To escape reality I returned to Arma 3 with the friends I had left, with the new Apex expansion. I didn't want to return to Asylum although my times there were great up until the end. So I switched to Olympus-Entertainment, one of my better choices in life. During the entire experience I had decided one day with a friend of mine to wait for the next group of guys to go to the Georgetown gun store. After a short time the Gang [X] had shown up and I had already knew from previous experiences not to mess with them even if they were all unarmed. A man by the name of zX Kahlid had shown up and started and engagement with them. So I assisted them and killed the fully geared player with the mighty/shitty protector. The last living member of [X] was a guy named Zak and he had approached me to invite me to X-Rated so during a thought process with myself I ended up as well as a few friends to leave the gang I was in (Forge Studios, named after my company) to join X-Rated. From there I started shy and had no care in the world for actually caring about the others but I figured a larger more active group would benefit me. Through my time with them I've made friends for life and had enjoyment out of every situation. Through them I can even say I met the love of my life (I'm prepared for people to shit spam that). I've went through a lot and wouldn't have traded those experience for anything. I put trust in my teammates and gave people my honest thoughts through it all, we went through some shitty moments, and I wont lie those were some pretty good shitty moments. I love every member that's ever been apart and to the members that gave me the best experiences (Exquisite, Haiwood, Austyn, KeemStar, Prophet, Goat, Analshot, Kirby, Kevin, Sam, Harley, Sweezy, Strawberry, Sqrt, Billy, Zak, and Jemima), you guys mean the world to me. With the decision made last night to get rid of X-Rated and join Centurion I couldn't go through with it. The gang meant a lot as a whole. It wasn't the players it was who we were when we joined the server. Our reputation for better or worse was stripped. Though people might remember us by our names alone and experiences we given them, it wont be the same. Throughout the whole thing it felt like we were bonding like a team, we made enemies and friends with the name, and now it's lost. I wish you guys the best in Centurion, and the server a great time. -[X] Trilux
  20. RIP [X]
  21. Then you shouldn't have a problem with the server.
  22. It's depressing to see how much of a shit fest any post can become, everyone has their own opinion and should keep it that way. Calling out other gangs and pushing it off like you're any better is boring. It seems like large gangs have a problem with [X] having money because then they can easily gear fully and then kill you at the cartels on Altis. That's what I seem to read off of the argument against [X]. Switching the server to Altis #3 or removing it isn't going to change anything, then you'll just end up complaining that the reason why [X] is still killing people in cartels is based off the money they've already accumulated or do to the numbers they have when they get together. Your criticism is great, I'm glad everyone talks shit freely within the forums, I'm unbiased towards any of this so I'm not concerned what happens to the any of the servers. It would just be nice if they could actually work on updating the servers than looking at the forums to see if people want the server.
  23. doesn't allow an image in actual size, here's the link to the full image https://gyazo.com/323d7c4744619ed799da601a532f34dd
  24. You guys got clicked bated, in sort he got banned for cheating on a Official Arma 3 Server of King of the Hill. RIP [X] Keemstar...
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