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Everything posted by cryingorca

  1. I know it may seem strange. Just accept me and my find for who I am. This is just a hello and me reaching out to the community in my native language!https://youtu.be/JTEvEE6fq6k
  2. I found soft-logging seems to fix this problem
  3. These guys hired me to process some good for them.. They seemed alright...
  4. I do think there should be a test before being able to become a Vigilante, maybe trained by an officer? I also think the kids that RDM as much as the Vigilante's, should have significant consequences. But there are too many to keep track of. (By the way thank you to the APD and admins that do assist with RDM.) The unlawful Vigi's that tase a suspect without first telling them to put there hands up, is no different than the Call of Duty shit lord kids shooting whoever, whenever on site... Just my two cents!
  5. I was thinking of how cool this would be. To have airports that players can pay to fly to different airports, with security checking people, incoming choppers and what not would be a cool addition. Just an idea and how doable would this be?
  6. Hey I got tased by a rebel with a pistol. I was wondering what pistol/taser this could be.
  7. This is true. Sorry to everyone who sees this as another complaint. Definitely opened my eyes!
  8. I have been playing on the Olympus servers for almost a week and I've seen many things. A great deal of those things is RDM and lack of RP from my fellow civilians. Yes I've seen it most in Kavala. Although Kavala is as we all know the most popular city in Altis, but I feel it could use more role play with more enforcement on role play and cracking down on RDM. Even citizens driving the speed limits and following traffic laws would be a nice start/change if we could some how as a community enforce it. That's just my two cents though. I'd love to meet you guys soon and thanks for reading
  9. I can't seem to fine where to apply to become a police officer? Thanks in advance for the help!
  10. I can't seem to fine where to apply to become a police officer? Thanks in advance for the help!
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