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Everything posted by RedNecked

  1. nvm thought u said 2 crater.. Anyway 3 crater is already sold 6m and it ur
  2. Add me on steam ill sell it whenever you want. 3m and it ur
  3. this shit is still for sale
  4. I will post ss of it later tonight.
  5. Oops forgot to say it on server 2, All those house are on server 2.
  6. DP 6 1 crater 600m from rebel whit some cop gear. DP 17 4 crater whit 1000 mushroom whit a titan and 1 cop loadout and some spar. DP 22 2 crater whit 1 cop loadout. DP 23 2 crater whit 250 moonshine and 400 sugar. DP 23 3 crater 360 moonshine some spike strip 1 titan and some cop gear and some mk1 Let me know if you want one of them send me a pm and we can talk.
  7. oh forgot to put in there it a 2 crater ill sell it for 5m
  8. Ill sell you a dp22 house close to the gas station 5m also have some cop gear in there.
  9. I feel like there should be a objective instead of just being a deathmatch , Would be way more interesting and would make people push instead of sitting next to a sandbag for 10min.
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