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  1. DP23 Gang Shed for sale, Best shine shed on server, fully upgraded Amazing for new gangs to invest in. fully filled 1666 of each. after 1 full sell you are estamated to make 18 million HMU with offers nothing under 45 mil as thats the shed/upgrade cost and youll be getting it fully upgraded highly recomend a newer gang go in on this together and grow as a group has garage functions & can spawn at it also selling atm 4c in town to store shine if wanted fully upgraded
  2. 513k and we got a deal
  3. i buy yes. sell me when?
  4. Sell me dms now or gay
  5. minewarped


    1.01 mil
  6. atm, also have the mid of town but friend is owner of it atm
  7. 3x 2c DP23 1x 1c Dp25 1x 4c Dp23 - mostlikly will not sell unless given a really amazing price for it HMU with offers
  8. back to the Barrows runs sir
  9. just hit me up with offers
  10. 23 3c still for sale?
  11. what are you willing to get rid of it for because this market is inflated af atm 3.5
  12. dp21 2c dp22 3c Prices?
  13. screenshots and il do it right now
  14. Looking to buy DMS/MAR 10
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