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About Lane

  • Birthday 11/12/2000

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Lane's Achievements


Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Issue with that is that you guys could entirely prevent the problem with a good staff onboard.
  2. You're unoriginal name bores me, but of course, you don't care about my opinion, right? Vice versa. I apologize if I am repetitive, but not everyone can record, and I'm not going to sacrifice my enjoyment of a game and run it like shit just so I M I G H T get a dude yelled at by an uncaring official (this is my opinion based on what I have seen, and it is unchanging).
  3. Oh, idk, check the logs, and the NUMEROUS reports and video evidences sent in against Andre. People send in videos of him breaking the rules, but he never gets punished, what is my video going to do if the Admins simply don't care?
  4. No, I didn't record, you think just anyone can record their gameplay? There will be a movie when quality administrators are assigned to this server.
  5. Hi. I'm lane. This is the story of my 5 days on OLYMPUS servers. -Day 1 Spawn in Collect fruit Buy 4 wheeler Buy hatchback sport Hatchback sport stolen by Andre. Kidnapped by TMP clan. Shot in the head. -Day 2 Respawned Join TMP Do drug runs Buy helicopter Crash helicopter Kicked from TMP clan (used me to gather drug money, and then dumped) -Day 3 Spawn in collect money via drug runs (frogs mainly) gain $400k after several hours -Day 4 Finally buy new helicopter Andre a crip gang member holds me up, steals helicopter, and chops it. All because I talked to (messaged) a dude who he didn't like. Once. Leaves server Andre RDM's, NLR's, Ghosts, Meta games, and breaks nearly every rule that would otherwise be bannable. Yet he remains because his ego is so large and fantastic that even the admins of the server don't care. You have read the story of a fresh spawn, fed up with this servers inadequate staff.
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