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Everything posted by User_0000

  1. b/o for dp 9 garage?
  2. Happy Birthday , still hate u :( for not helping me out, happy birthday tho 

    1. Aress
    2. User_0000


      im kidding , dont hurt me , im sorry <3

  3. I don't know how to even take the ram out , I have a laptop not a pc . The only reason I give a shit about fixing my laptop is to play Olympus , cuz it's the only server and game I play , I already reset my pc . Thanks tho , I actually thought no1 gave a shit . <3 Ily u guys , I will rob any 1 who rdms in Karvala for the memory of my black screen and the montage that legit no joke could have been the best achievement I've done over the internet .
  4. I had so many things on my pc including my best montage clips that I was working on for 2 weeks , legit soooo many nice clips and kills , until yesterday I was playing and got texture bug and froze and I got the black screen kill thing, I try restarting pc , my pc now is 24/7 black screen , tried everything I can see on internet , now I formatted the pc, Fuk u to who ever was rdming yesterday close to kavala hq , u crashed my pc , Dw I will come back again , I love Olympus
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