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Everything posted by Slaughter

  1. ft. @Zahzi and @Mr Majestic gunning down a orca
  2. ez ez ez /s
  3. I can't help it that my job literally flies me to every hotel in the states that have shitty internet so I can fix it, so what do you expect? I don't know what else context you're looking for. Point black I engaged Andrew telling him not to come back to that area. He comes back, but I was not immediately worried about him as I was busy engaging the other meding currently reviving another person. I killed both medics fairly, and both of my videos clearly show it. And again, not to mention that "Man" the Medic was already CLEARLY upset that we had ghawked him down an hour prior to that. I went into support and asked "Your name" the S&R on duty at the time that and that I had a case on my hands for it and that he was extremely upset over both situations.
  4. @Richard You were saying about that RDM?
  5. So what I lined up my shot? I warned the medic that if he returned to the area that I would have killed him, and that's exactly why I lined up that shot? Don't believe me? Don't worry I will "conveniently" upload that it was not a coincidence.
  6. I understand that, but as I said I do not believe that this was the case. He stopped rezing, rotated his character anyway then pressed tab. I've played medic long enough to know the quirks of reviving, and bugging out trying to escape that action. I do not know all of it, but I'm highly sure that was not the case for him.
  7. He definitely did.
  8. gotta love the EMT standing behind him clueless af
  9. for background context: this medic was MAD salty that me and DB ghawked his orca for not valuing his life an hour earlier as well.
  10. i think ur silly
  11. 1v1 me, oh wait u did and lost already
  12. looks like someone is triggered. also, you must be some kinda dumb. you have me blocked, of course you can't hear me you bot.
  13. lets see your upload, a killing montage shows kills the majority of the time, sometimes people post their deaths in it. i just didn't this time around oh also, sounds like you are going to upload all your audio clips
  14. someone is triggered as it turns out, you can see he's really upset lol
  15. 30% of it? i got my ass handed to me? what? you killed me like 3 or 4 times lol. uploads 30% do you even understand math
  16. video was of juke raging calling hacks(aka donald trump) not of skill
  17. i've always loved ur sarcasm, i miss playing with u on apd
  18. I'm not this bad tho
  19. dang, i wasnt in this video
  20. hey dont leech off my kills my PR bitch
  21. good god this guys a mad retard
  22. The replies this thread is receiving is absolute gold tier.
  23. loved this
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