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Buffalo Bill

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Everything posted by Buffalo Bill

  1. Whatever man there are to many comments for me to keep up with Im tired of this pointless arguement so I guess this is just going to be another APD complaint that is pushed under the rug http://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/5160-reason-why-people-bad-mouth-the-apd/ + http://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/5171-what-the-hell-has-the-apd-come-to/ + http://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/5002-cop-roleplay/
  2. There is a post where APD members themselves are saying the APD is going down hill but now everyone is saying that I am a whiney little 7 year old who needs to get over losing. It really funny xD
  3. I wasn't talking about you skeeter I meant the comment above you, but it is funny that the only people commenting in here is APD and they seem to be calling me a shitter and how I suck at the game. Just saying everyone hates the APD, since Im a civillian I know, everyone allways says they are so OP, No roleplay, total bullshit. When everyone cringes at the sight of the APD thats how you know there is a problem.
  4. Wow this is how APD members act, proof right here. They get to return after they die, they can make any bullshit story and send someone to jail and get half their bounty, their "Rubber Bullets" can travel just as accurate as regular bullets and taze pretty much in one shot. Now I understand why all of them are cocky, once you make it into APD there really isn't and reason to go back to civillian life. lol
  5. I wasn't recording I was just wondering if someone could explain why that happens.
  6. Thats kind of self evident, I was just making a point about roleplay.
  7. This is a roleplay server you can't just tilde someone then pull them over. If I have a 2 mil bounty and I walk up to you in kavala square you shouldn't just restrain me and take me to jail you don't know my name. But paw I asked why I was being pulled over and they told me they ran the license plate they didn't say they saw me off the road. It doesn't matter what they could have done its what they did.
  8. You must have misunderstood me I was in a truck boxer and the cops were in the chopper they were flying 150+ over me then just flipped on sirens told me to get out of the car then restrained me.
  9. Im just saying it seems a bit silly and ridiculous to put words together and then poof they're fact. What would you have done if I said Kim Jong Un told me to do all those drugs and kill all those people or he would nuke Altis? We all know know you wanted the bounty and you would have said anything to get it. I mean once the police have you restrained you can't roleplay out of it, it's simple as that.
  10. I was wanted for 446K and was pulled over I told the cops, I wasn't doing anything wrong and they said "We ran the license plate." I asked "Why did you randomly run my plate?" they said they are allowed to. So I asked them how they were able to run my plates while going 150+ kilometers an hour in a chopper they said they have a "THERMAL IMAGING LICENSE PLATE SCANNER" that was just installed the previous day and a lieutenant backed up the story. I don't understand how a cop can pull a random bullshit story out of their ass and get whatever they want. Another example is me being pulled over for reckless driving I asked "What did I do?" they told me one of my wheels went out onto the dirt for a split second. I asked "How were you able to see that?" they told me they had a "SLOW MOTION VIDEO RECORDER". This is bullshit and really shouldn't happen next they're going to say they secretly stuck a satellite up my ass to track my every move.
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