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Mattherw Tyler Gusto

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  1. lmao ima kill so many helis this is gonna be great Yeah it doesn't look like they tried to do it. But they still did. If someone didn't try to shoot you but did, without any rp or engagement. What would you do?
  2. we were there for at least 10 miinutes. This is litterally in a town nowhere near any city. We didn't see anyone remotely close. They came out of nowhere. and they definitely saw us. And why does it even matter where I park it. VDM is VDM. Is it not?
  3. I was just sitting in my heli and a car drove by, blowing us up. Admins say its not vdm and it's my fault for being in the middle of the road (nowhere near a city btw). So if you ever wanna kill someone you dont like just wait for them to get in their helis and drive by in a fuel truck LOL. I also guess with this logic people who get raped it's their own fault for provoking the rapist... makes sense right. https://vid.me/LKuy
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