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Everything posted by Avocad0

  1. My in game name is [Tree] Avocad0 so if you are interested hmu
  2. Cops would have nothing to do with this issue. A modded server is a whole another concept because you would need a completely different player base simply because you have to go out of your way to download the mod. I think that there would be enough people willing to download it but the reality is it probably wouldn't stick around for long. If it is well developed with a launcher that would be great and I think you would have a fairly consistent player base. Also, it most likely wouldn't be an 111 slot server depending on what mods are running on it and what map it is on.
  3. Also have DP 21 2 crater and garage if anyone interested
  4. Selling a dp 22 2 crater and a dp 22 garage on server 2 leave your offers down below. I also have a DP 21 house 2 crater and garage not sure if anyone is interested in them but if you are just tell me. Also, have a level 5 chest plate that is up for sale as well. Leave your offers down below...
  5. 1.5 mil for 2 crater in dp 22
  6. How about a 4 crater for 17mil?
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