The R&R skin is a skin that most people will NOT shoot at and you know this but your trying to play it off. You act like someone being temporally promoted to senior is so horrible but this has been done in the past and you know this but your willing to make excuses for them "And Winters whitelisting someone as the Chief of Police is way different than a Lieutenant whitelisting someone." . The only difference is that it was done by people your willing to get on you knees for. The funny part is that you feel the need to stand up for Daddy Winters lmfao.
So, he had infinite money, so he's an Admin... that got whitelisted for a second? Who the fuck cares, you were killing people with a R&R skin on lmfao. Take responsibility and stop making silly ass excuses that no one cares about because your still in the wrong regardless.
What goes through the brains of some of these people lmfao. You make a ghost invisible and make it have an R&R skin??? and then you start killing people... If she hasn't been banned yet then this shit is just ridiculous. People have gotten banned and de-ranked for so much less.