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Wing Wong

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Everything posted by Wing Wong

  1. Best Shot: Snake, Wheatkings, Kratos Best Driver: uh i always drive... not Snake Best Heli Pilot: Gary, Stealth(cept when hes at the chop shop), Ace Best Officer: Ksay / Ace, Best R&R: Foxymama / Jendrak Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Gary, not robbin cadets crew, Hades invis lockpicking Best RP'r: Gary / Ace Most Tactical: Wheatkings Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Snake, Wheatkings, Kratos Most Reliable: Karl Most Dedicated Player: Snake / Karl Most Valuable Player: Anyone victim of a hoagie situation
  2. Travis So Unprofessional He Against Principle
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