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Everything posted by I_See_Unicorns

  1. Alright well sorry. I am still new around here.
  2. He told me that I wasn't 16. Which is false and angers me that someone would think they could do that.
  3. Lol, Its Called Role Play For A Reason. Trolling Cops Is Always Great. Even The Cops When Their Not On Duty. They Do The Same. He Doesnt Believe That Im 16. That Is The Reason He Turned Me Down. Which Is Completely BS Because How Is An Admin Supposed To Tell Me My Age? It Says On My Damn Birth Certificate What My Age Is. 9/3/1998. So What More Needs Explaining.?
  4. Well about 2 weeks ago I submitted an application to join the APD and was denied. They said I was not of age (I Was 15 At The time). So on 9/3/2014 I just had my birthday and I was still interested in becoming a part of the APD. So I went around and asked officer Pinkstreak how old you had to be to become a police officer. She replied by telling me you had to be 16 years old. I was extremely happy when I found out cause I just turned 16 on the 3rd of September. So on the 4th, the next day. I submitted a ticket with the APD application layout. Everything perfect and I was accepted by Ace. So I waited that night and nobody came to get me for interview so I just left and began reading over the rulebook multiple times to try and memorize everything I could. Even with work being at 9:00 PM. So the next day which is now today the 5th of September. I was waiting in the room I was told to wait in and Travis came and got me. Moved me into the channel and what not. Then shortly after that I was told that I was no longer going to be interviewed and I was moved out. Wondering why I was moved out I sent him a message and asked and he replied "Cause That's The Decision I'm Making" and then ended the conversation. Now I was a little angry cause I was not being given information as to why I was not being accepted. So I explained my case to an officer on duty he said that Travis is normally not like that and that he is acting out of character. So I messaged Travis again saying "Travis. You Are Being Completely Unreasonable. I Have Talked To Other Officers And Stated My Case. They Said That You Are Acting Most Out Of Character. So What Did I Do To You To Deserve To Be Treated That Way?" Shortly after he moved me into a different channel and completely went off on me. Saying how this is why they don't let 15 year olds into the server. Raising his voice and being rude to me even when I was showing him the respect he deserved as an admin. I then tried to explain to him that I was 15 when I submitted my first application and that I just had my birthday and that I stated that on the application, but I was quickly cut off and told I would have no say in this then he moved me out of the channel. After this I'm just not sure if I want to even play on the server anymore. Cause while I had been completely respectful like I am to most of the people that I meet in online games. He was being very disrespectful and rude. I would love to have this resolved. Cause I do like this server, the community, the RP and the FPS is great! But I don't really know about that after this. Please take this into consideration. Thank You.
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