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The Wafflemeister

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Everything posted by The Wafflemeister

  1. Hell most of us are.... Thats why we roleplay xD
  2. Yup Paw is an ex prison guard and police officer. Paw beat me to the post lol
  3. I'll take a mill
  4. Damn me and mobile sat at a hideout for ages trying to process some drugs. lol
  5. Hello. I have been playing on the Olympus Altis Life servers for a week and a few days so far i have been loving it! I have been doing multiple things illegal and legal to make money and i have to say this server is great fun to do drug/ore runs they aren't boring like most servers. Meeting new people at mines/fields/processing is great. I found this server because of my good friend OldManPaw or as some of you know him as TheyCallMePaw. I am going to apply to be a member of the APD very soon. Just wanted to say hi and let the admins know (if they read this) you are doing a great job and running a great community. - The Wafflemeister.
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