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Everything posted by folpyfish

  1. bump
  2. Bump
  3. 3mil for each. One that is the closest isn’t for sale.
  4. Bump
  5. https://imgur.com/a/tJ6u3AG 2 houses that are 1km away from pro Pm me for details
  6. folpyfish


    stop bitching i get 25 fps at the main menu
  7. no worries hmu if you ever get another
  8. how much?
  9. current offer is 2m so.. beat that and thats the prices
  10. bump
  11. Just trying to get rid of these and make some of my money back. Hmu
  12. Still looking
  13. Just lmk
  14. bump
  15. 2 mill can buy you the handel to the launcher and maybe the rockets
  16. Drop some offers
  17. bump
  18. Pm me
  19. At work cant
  20. Title says it all pm me
  21. I got 2 lethals and 4 mags and ill throw in a dms if you want
  22. Basically a 2 crater that takes up 2 house slots. So basiclly 2 one craters
  23. Title says it all hmu.
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