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Everything posted by Jessy

  1. Jessy

    wtb at jeep

    still buyin
  2. ill do 4.5
  3. Jessy

    wtb at jeep

    lmk price
  4. 12.5k each wp looking for any tazers and 556/6.5 supp
  5. $
  6. aight getting on s1
  7. buying war points, mx/spar/ promet/type/stings/mk1/ak12 pm prices
  8. still buying, 13k each
  9. Jessy

    buying tasers

    ill take em all im on s1
  10. stings/mx/spar/promet/type lmk ur price
  11. cool ill get on in like 2 hours to buy all of em if you guys are on
  12. cool lmk
  13. i'd do 13k each
  14. how much
  15. ^
  16. Do we need some kind of ip /vpn whitelist for 2 brothers to be able to play at the same time ? They keep getting kicked by battle eye when they try to play together and they cant use vpn .
  17. Jessy

    wts AT OFFROAD

  18. Jessy

    wts AT OFFROAD

  19. Jessy

    wts AT OFFROAD

    still for sale 7m
  20. OFFER
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