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John Wolf

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Everything posted by John Wolf

  1. Ok. I do suspect that is really players out there, that could do this type of thing so that is why i also replied as i was thinking, this were real. But.. why even posting these, without people knowing.. its a prank.. If you dont know the background for the joke you would have no reason too doubt it was a real thing..
  2. Why do you threat the admins too unban a guy, that were banned for a reason? See it this way, everything you do wrong will have consequences. And i do belive the admins will also remember this thread, When/If you get banned. Would you then get a unban yourself ? Even threating the server for a mass rdm will only damage yourself being on the server. Grow up!
  3. This is what we dont wish too have on the server in general... So it should be either like "dont do this while on the server" topic..
  4. I do understand you. I have been on and off since 2017, and lets just say, before it was more rp involved. Not that much of pvp'ers, even people from GrandTheftArma came here for a little break back then. With time it has changed from light RP, too No RP at all on some guys. Even the medics wont say one word or even say "hello" too us.. might just been a combatmedic, fast in and fast out. Only here you do it for the virtual money and thats it. For that i feel, the server might just go into a full pvp server instead. Beside that, the forums has got even worse. Yes you do have support that you can talk too and even seeing the same issues/problems of it on both parts. Say, when i had a thought/idea of anything.. even for gathering former rp'ers in here too make like a massive vigilante type of group or in general, a crew so we could get atleast some more rp in here.. only too be met with hostile langauge. Even the "stfu" icon, saying "shut the fuck up".. Even this is a large server with poulated server.. and that is good for the owner. No doubt. But the issue, comes.. is all bad rep a good rep ? Even some of the police is that butthurt, they will even hunt you on each thread you're posting. So i would say agree with you about, happy you stopped playing 4months ago. Cause i do fear, it will only go further down as i see it with this bullshit behaviour from some groups/rp's (or.. should we say.. bright light rp)
  5. Sorry my mistake
  6. Last time i checked the VAC-bans are permanent... Can not appeal it And no i have NOT a VAC-Ban myself
  7. the vans can both be used too transport people like in rp, using it as a minibus.. or the cargo with drugs etc..
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