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About dade.

  • Birthday 09/27/2001

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  1. you guys obviously arent aware of what the original post said,it was in reference to a certain apd member selling lewd pictures of themselves to progress through the ranks,and i was wondering if i could do the same.
  2. why did my post about the apd get taken down,it was a genuine question and the topic at hand was done before,i just took the liberty of mentioning the person who did it to get a response from them.seems quite odd how people with power on here are tryin to cover it up when everybody already knows about it,
  3. Is it just me or aren't cops really strong.With their easy to use tasers and their gear costs literally nothing. I feel they should nerf cops, at least make them have some NLR,it just isnt fair to some small groups.
  4. After a while perma banned seems cruel.Could be for something you didnt do.But if people are dedicated enough to want to play after some amount of months or years,why not give them a second chance. Then if they are caught doing something bannable.They sould be permed.
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