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Posts posted by Lynchy

  1. 18 hours ago, coopacarp said:

    I recently ran into an issue where I was blatantly VDM'd and it had cost me about 1 mil or more worth of gear and Uranium. I attempted to dispute the people involved, I disputed one person correctly but I made a mistake and in my video I saw the name of a player I thought was involved but wasn't, I realized this too late and couldn't dispute against the player that actually VDM'd me. So now I am being told by staff in my reports that they are denying my reports due to the fact that I do not have a dispute against the player BUT I literally cannot dispute the guy that did it because his name is no longer on the list of people to dispute. I have been trying for roughly 3 days to get online at the same time as the other guy to file a dispute but he either changed his name or just doesn't get on and because of all that I am not able to get a report on him and get compensated what I lost. The dispute system itself is awesome but there should be certain circumstances where it is acceptable NOT to dispute. Obviously it's my fault for fucking up and not submitting a dispute on the right guy but does that mean I shouldn't be allowed to report him until he magically gets on the same time I do? Just curious what opinions are on this.

    I have to agree, the Dispute system is fucking stupid when it comes to reports. I get it in terms of keeping "Comp or ban" messages separate from initiation messages or what not but I had an issue with it my self.


    I was trying to rob a player who ended up combat logging on me and I had the whole thing clipped. I made a comp & player report on the forums and I was told that due to the fact I didn't dispute the person the claim was invalid, even though the whole clip speaks for its self. Case was closed and end of. That wasn't good enough for me. I made a new report in hopes of getting an staff member with more brain cells than a fucking potato, I explained that I couldn't physically dispute the player as they were literally not on the list.


    Thankfully this time around brain cells were used and my comp was received and the player was banned. Its quite clear to see that some staff are fucking lazy and its easier for them to just mark it as invalid or so.


    Really fear if this is the case for other situations. Whats stopping someone coming on to the server, Nuking the shit out of it with hacks and because there was no disputes it's just "Invalid".

  2. 5 hours ago, Tr_Revenge said:

    Dude, i know this.   

    this person and | IRA | I had a role with.    All 4 videos he sends are missing seconds   and one video | IRA | Caught between crossfire while fighting with..

    Scam videos that are entirely intended to ban me..   the main thing that makes me think ,   How did ThenerdGuys and Millennium believe this?

    Im with the |IRA| Guy and honestly we found it quite fun. I didnt really care its a game. You would kill us and we would just rob you over and over


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