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Everything posted by Deft

  1. do they just give it from ur steam id? or do u like need 2 be in game w them
  2. there seriously needs to be a rule against this
  3. Deft

    buff vigi

    Haha, they're definitely going to abide by that and not tell their friends to come save them at the outpost in a seperate Discord call! There needs to be a rule added that you can't go ~500m of a vigi outpost with a bounty over 75k unless brought there by a vigi to be turned in. Everyone just saves their friends and it's frustrating as fuck.
  4. Deft

    buff vigi

    how do you "take their comms and gps" ? besides, doesnt take a genius to figure out ur just going to another outpost
  5. anyone with high bounty is part of a gang, if u somehow manage to tase them by the time u get to vigi outpost theres 10 of their gang friends waiting for u. fun times buff vigi
  6. >another apd getting triggered over it, proving my point
  7. all the triggered cops defending the vest 4Head
  8. cop vests are op as fuck too, if you have anything below a 7.62 you're boned
  9. all i see from this is that you have bad aim
  10. literally spray a full mag into a cop and he turns around and 1 shots me...nice vest :DDD
  11. yes i wasn't on at all that day so no
  12. what the fuck
  13. APD Officer and common frequenter of the Olympus servers is a fucking ROBLOX PLAYER. How do I know? I used to play the game too and recognized his name. I, however, am 15, and this guy is 18 and STILL PLAYS ROBLOX. @ikiled. Here is the link to his profile : https://www.roblox.com/users/28645565/profile LOL. (you should read his bio too). This is how far the APD has come, LOL. Him admitting it: https://imgur.com/a/Lh9jK .
  14. can i get a serious reply/mod look @ appeal
  15. Nobody requests a ban for that, they request a ban so they can play the game again, and with this wait time appeals are deprecated.
  16. What's the point of the appeal then, considering most bans are a "few days" long?
  17. I was wondering if it takes like an hour or two or if it's more of a 1-2 day kind of deal ?????????
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