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Posts posted by Spondy9

  1. Hi everyone, Well I was gone for awhile for work. Yes some of have lives and need to make money in the real world. Well things are not going so well for me and my family so I had to take a job where I have to work 12-15 hours day. Well that leave very little time for gaming and OLYMPUS. I came back today to play and of course I had a huge update. Going through the forums and found I was not even on the APD chain of command list. :(..........

    So I guess I got fired.... 

    I honestly wish  could keep my rank, but doubt I can since I can no put in the hours weekly to play.

    Congrats to McDili on captain. He has been good to me and I think I trained him when he was a Deputy or what ever it was called back in the day.(Cadet?) 

     I have been demoted and promoted several times. So maybe it will happen again. (The promotion part) Looks like I will be playing civ now. That means if you are a cop lock your car or do not step more than 10 feet away from it. IT is mine..... 

    You have been WARNED.

    For those who know me I ONLY Played COP. I think if you are a higher up, you should spend most of your time on cop. I was like 95 - 5. 

    So maybe I will still be able to keep my badge.

    We will see.

    (fmr)Corp SPONDY


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  2. they are good.. I hate them because they are good. My biggest complaint is when I got killed. But this goes for everyone.I wias robbing a gas station and they text me put my hands or die has I was running out.. yes it was 5 seconds but if they are in voice area use the voice. They should be better than that... IMO. BUt they thing I like about them is they do thier best to follow the rules. If you follow the rules then I have not problem being killed. WEll not as much... Wish I was in gang that could fly around the map and rob/kill/ troll farm with a little more pieceof mind.

  3. supply box well state. However sometimes as cops we do not have alot time to RP due to other crimes going on. BUt a good rp on both sides is the best. Snake and I *(me) did a great one with Hamofmoose and 2 other guys awhile back where we basically wiped their ticket and made them walk back for a very far part of the map at night naked. RP went both ways and it was the BEST time I ever had on the sever. Wish we could do more.

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