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About Noble1

  • Birthday 10/27/1995

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  1. Hello everyone, Noble here. Some of you may know me as Apone from Kavala Investments or Noble from one my many failed Gangs here on Olympus. I just wanted to write a short farewell to the community as I'm leaving and probably not coming back to Arma 3 Altis Life, or Arma 3 at all. I have a lot of IRL issues going on and I can't forfeit anymore time to the community or the game. I hope everyone continues doing what they do bwest and I hope you guys/gals keep building up this community in hopes of becoming the strongest Altis Life server-set in all of Arma. That's pretty much all I wanted to say, so without further adieu, goodbye everyone! I will miss a lot of you, even if we didn't have such a good friendship. *Tips Fedora*
  2. What's next? Are you going to start beheading them or burning them alive?
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