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Everything posted by Stuffy

  1. Name: Stuffy Gang: Wukio Rank: 4 Accountability: (who do i message if you have someone being a retard) @ Dragonnoid
  2. i just dont find myself using them as much as i thought fully upgraded house for 1.25 mill and garage for 1.5 mil
  3. Stuffy


    latest.png (359×479) (discordapp.com) this you? @rabid
  4. where is it written?
  5. found the rule yet?
  6. find the rule then sayin you can do that then ill be moved on and accept the L
  7. im not really heated about the SUPER cheap gear you guys get or how you guys really think you're all that. what I'm mad about is how when the Rebels catch the cops breaking sever rules like @Mita did last night she gets her simp squad on like @rabid to come in there and say "only cops can hit other vehicles" but when i want to do it as a civ its VDM and they get away free as a bird. Its just stupid when cops can literally break the rules and get away with it.
  8. ya its chill until you catch the cops breaking server so they have to pull in a server admin a couple retired staff like 4 support team members and they still cant find the so called rule they are "not breaking." at the end of the day the cops think they are actually good but in reality they are worse than bots and its easy kills.
  9. wanting to buy a dp11 garage and maybe even a 4 crater
  10. ok cool
  11. im looking to buy a garage in DP11 so i dont have to keep driving all the way there from Athera.
  12. I have a house in DP 11 and would also like to buy a garage there too
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