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Strae last won the day on May 11 2023

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About Strae

R&R Medic
  • Birthday 09/04/2002

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  1. Tfw you get kicked out of your gang because you arrested one of them.

    JGqITks.png @Phizx

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mozza182


      10 minutes ago, AstralC said:

      Because playing one faction 24/7 can get boring. You don't have to always play civ...... Plus being biased towards your "gang" and crashing the car, avoiding contact with them, or messing up on a ticket to stay in the gang is an absolute joke. 

      Im well aware that civ can get boring. Why cant you play on a server your gang isn't on? If youre going to be apart of a gang you should play with them and play cop when they aren't on or on a different server if they what they are doing isn't important. That's how serious gangs should be run and avoid having career cops cause having a gang full of career cops is how a gang dies ive seen it happen multiple times.

    3. Phizx


      @Mozza182 is completely right lol if the gangs on and doing something like feds/cartels no one should be on cop. But regardless I didn’t kick you nor did Matt, you let a member convince you that you were gonna get kicked and decided to leave 

      I wasn’t even on at all that day

    4. -dante-


      @Mozza182 Definitelt has nothing to do with a leader having brain cells. Just because you don’t agree with the alternative doesn’t mean it’s not logical. I’m not saying the logic to kick doesn’t make sense, I just do not agree with it and I never have. I agree if you’re in a gang and you play cop rather than civ during federal events and cartels when the whole gang is on that it becomes of an issue, but more on a reliability aspect. As for playing on cop when your gang is on the server casually robbing or doing runs.. I don’t agree with that being a problem. As long as they don’t intentionally use info from when they play on civ to intentionally catch you then they’re just another cop on the server tbh. 

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