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Master Shake

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Everything posted by Master Shake

  1. Of course it is. I quoted what you originally wrote before you edited it and elaborated.
  2. Just because you engage with someone doesn’t even mean it’s likely that you’ll be getting shot at. You could easily just get a friend to fake engage without anyone else knowing in the crowd. The end result is the same, even if you use a friend in the crowd to exploit the engagement system, everyone you’re not engaged with still gets killed.
  3. I never said the rest were justified lol
  4. Not true. At 1:20 the police engaged and at 3:08 I was shot at
  5. This isn't even all of the vests I've used. A lot of them are not on recording
  6. Check the logs all you want, its your time not mine that you're wasting.
  7. I made it private for a bit but it's public again
  8. Spent 20 mil on suicide vests for a reason
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