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Everything posted by GreysonIsCOol

  1. Should ZoomZoooooom be lieutenant?
  2. Is oil as good as it used to be?
  3. Since money/vehicles transfer servers but houses don't. Which server (1-3) is best to buy a house on to farm with in/least populated all the time.
  4. lmao that clan is so cancerous and american slav vigi abuses daily
  5. So I stopped playing about a month ago because of the absolute cancer of some of the people in the server. Like when I stopped playing it was a 3 hour game session and I spend 2 hours of that filling out reports and uploading proof. I have 20mill and I was wondering if there is anything of value I could do with it besides just waste it on planes and such.
  6. So basically was gonna go store my oil truck and some dude was ramming me tryna stop me (basically skirting which is against the rules). I tell my friend to be ready and that there's some cunt trying to rdm. he follows me to my garage (he hasn't initiated yet) then I store my shit. my friend then initiates by saying leave or die. we give him ample time but we spray him down anyways. He says I/we initiated before I stored it, but would that even count as combat storing if someone other than me initiates and I was going to store it even if he doesn't initiate? k thanks just asking for future reference.
  7. thats great! but since ur an admin i need to ask you, i lost 200 processed oil that i was gonna sell. if i provide proof of him skirting can i get him banned + have him comp me/get comped but the server?
  8. Well I rage quit afterwards so I assumed he would've chop shopped it. Would be oil still be in the truck or no? So it was impounded and I think that would mean my oil is gone. Could I make a comp request for the lost oil if I I submit the video I have of this "skurting"?
  9. Like i had my oil truck and it had 200 processed oil in it that i was gonna take to my house. some guy shot out all my tires untill i came to a hault then told me hands up or die. this is bs right? he chopped shopped it and i lose the insurance and everything inside. i have the recording can i report him?
  10. okay thankyou. it appeared he jumped out and kill himself that way.
  11. Wow. You're actually such a cunt. They're the -exo- clan and the one who said "thanks for the 3 mill bitch" is named -exo- perry
  12. So dude with 4mill bounty died in my car. He said he dehydrated but it didn't say he was malnutritioned when he died, it just said he died. Could he have respawned and failed rp? Is this server glitch? Ofcourse in gonna make a support ticket but I'm unsure wether or not to file it under player report (for combat log/fail to) or compensation request for the server screwing up and losing me 4mill.
  13. So long story short 3 guys from our clan (2 low level, 1 guy with access to gang funds), he took 3mill from the gang fund that I just put in 20 minutes prior. Now they are creating a new clan with MY MONEY telling us to join, one of the 'defectors' ran me over and over (this guy I gave 1.5mill comp for some dumb shit I did) so now I'm down ~5mill and my group is gone, and they delete our discord. To say I'm really fucking bummed out is an understatement. So my question is, is this griefing, can I file a comp request to get my money back from them/from the server? Probs gonna stop playing Arma if this doesn't get fixed and I'm probably gonna go play league or some shit and just leave forever, idk, I kinda liked those guys but now I just feel disappointed in them. Okay, thanks for the help I guess.
  14. Aight thanks I have enough hours so I'll try
  15. Where do you recommend? And also if I don't get a plane is there still good spots to go with a sub?
  16. I got about 3.7mill and I'm tryna get a lot more. I get about 600k an hour doing salvage. Anyway faster/more money that you recommend? Thanks.
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