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Everything posted by xPersianSniper

  1. I have 2 houses in dp4 I’ve pmed you 1500 space combined
  2. 2 crater or above we can pm too
  3. IS it 2 1 craters or 2 2 craters
  4. Any houses screenshot would be nice
  5. Bump really great houses 2 1 craters dp4 900 m from lab
  7. Bump Great houses for meth 1600 storage 900 meters away from lab and a gas station
  8. It’s two 1 craters basically a two crater but ok
  9. Two 1 craters basically two crater 900 meters away from lab. Also near gas station. They’re in dp4 and are really good meth houses
  10. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1385641853
  11. 900 meters from the lab great location near gas station with an atm offer down below or pm me bids
  12. LUCK
  13. ive been offered them for 90 k before
  14. bump still looking for mx's willing to pay 70-85k each also like 7k a mag
  15. hmu
  16. Bumpelflooski highest bid - 3 million
  17. Bro that’d be dope how far from it
  18. Hmu
  19. great for frogs https://imgur.com/xP6BAXB
  20. leave offer below really great house won't tolerate being lowballed https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1385641853
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