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  1. Welcome back. (If you are wondering why this account keeps posting. I need 10 content posts to change my name dont sue me.)
  2. Nvoda1

    Im Tony

    Hi tony. (If you are wondering why this account keeps posting. I need 10 content posts to change my name dont sue me.)
  3. No matter how many times i leave. I always seem to come back. (If you are wondering why this account keeps posting. I need 10 content posts to change my name dont sue me.)
  4. Actually crazy that there used to be a whitelist. Proud of the server lol. (If you are wondering why this account keeps posting. I need 10 content posts to change my name dont sue me.)
  5. Nvoda1

    New player

    The new tutorial is way better than when i started back in like 2019. Shoutout to whoever made em. (If you are wondering why this account keeps posting. I need 10 content posts to change my name dont sue me.)
  6. Welcome back. coming back myself. (If you are wondering why this account keeps posting. I need 10 content posts to change my name dont sue me.)
  7. Nvoda1

    Return TM*

    Welcome back. Coming back myself and looking forward to it. (If you are wondering why this account keeps posting. I need 10 content posts to change my name dont sue me.)
  8. Welcome to the game! Arma is one of those things i leave and always come back to lol.
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