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Legacy VIP
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Everything posted by Banana

  1. The casino giveeth and more often than not the casino taketh
  2. The people with the most to say in this game are often the most conflicted outside of it
  3. Classic, this vid takes the cake so far
  4. Absolute bruh moment, how did you come across this?
  5. As the title says, what do you guys find to be the most rewarding thing to do that gives you a sense that you've won in oly?
  6. Banana


    Reports take a while because each one tends to be its own individual case that has to be thoroughly reviewed. I can only imagine how many get submitted each day. Plus on top of that most staff have actual jobs or school to attend to. Its okay to go outside or call your mom while you wait for support to handle your stuff
  7. Banana

    Wts Bw gear

    1.9 for the mar10
  8. Bump
  9. Banana


    Thanks y’all, it’s good to be back
  10. Banana


    Hey y’all it’s Banana, I just hit 250 hours on the server today so I figured it was about time I become more active on the forums! I started playing in 2014 but I’ve had a large gap in between my playtime. I’ve recently been playing on Olympus again and I’m really enjoying it again. I’m in the 141 gang currently and have made a lot of friends and foes around Altis. Hope to see some of y’all in-game and maybe we can make some trades!
  11. I’m looking to buy any kind of Blackwater gear and tasers of any kind. Let me know if anyone is selling, thanks!
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