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Everything posted by Rapture

  1. @ knifemaster @R&R Medic
  2. https://www.amazon.com/analog-timer/s?k=analog+timer @ Ricky Falzo
  3. https://gyazo.com/b401e8be8e10399e7bacfce3affec7be
  4. @ Mako loves traps
  5. It's getting to that time of year again. Formal De-Chair of Sapd and Sr&R. A separate vote will be held on who to elect into Sapd and Sr&r
  6. If you could and would do it in real life it should be allowed (without clear abuse)
  7. https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Server_Rules https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/PSA https://olympus-entertainment.com/ https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Olympus_Plus https://olympus-entertainment.com/store/ https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Olympus_Donation_Rewards https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScSXWVn9Hm0txQ3QgaJtyaodPGpzszQu6u13wFFoS18fSxmTg/viewform https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1X6UMq3Ofu8MHPLZl46L0kNSCRW8OFcUGhi4zuIt3qKc/edit#gid=1829147935 https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Altis_Police_Department#Corporal_of_the_Month https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Altis_Police_Department https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/APD_Handbook https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeR9FoC6yJNn1tGhuFjy2EgDNhKDVgLxd1U2qxErBmQj9SSlg/viewform?fbzx=7455772217864362601 https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/APD_Internal_Affairs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A-D5b7em32qFGeg5kmLg1oG5-lZRkDHgdBALSVvXAXs/edit?usp=sharing https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/39253-roleplay-leniency/ https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/APD_Ticket_Guide https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/APD_Vehicles https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSemUVPUYdcto5FEEQuAZhWztaDaFl_iDmmHIUwXCqFfHn9n5g/viewform https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/2669-rescue-and-recovery-application/ https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSevBs81b5M-jJsupPIxyjsj7VBTJrK8AJoIqEBSOyTHgu747A/viewform https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nGj3BrcOramvEwXvj_zTCR6c38ENKuPLJXn8LSmGC3E/edit#gid=1345961738 https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Rescue_%26_Recovery https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/R%26R_Handbook https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Rescue_%26_Recovery_Internal_Affairs https://docs.google.com/document/d/104bVsAkqhKSYjT5A2tQfhCWonrS1x5M_IY8iVsjcbJg/edit https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/R%26R_Vehicles https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Support_Team https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfQ2OX3rYW2Pek2m8zN5oTsaapxuagmBacZvaMxrayg1MbWdA/viewform https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Support_Team_Handbook https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14_O7P61QdtXSEJkVwxxso4j97tPZnwUTopF4fV2Qec0/edit#gid=1225971782 https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Civilian_Council https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-mE7aOdp7uaqQsNSOk5llbzQXQFbOLKlmkEM8lr_Gbs/edit#gid=36024985 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeDdlW1aI4EZjbCspvFgGbibx7Rwl8Lv5jonwph2HDUudmcjg/viewform
  8. I see no reason to use teamspeak other than the fact that admins like to pull IP's
  9. If you can do it and would do it in real life than it should supersede all other rules
  10. Keep Or Remove
  11. First I am going to lay out the facts. Rebels have access to everything except buying Ghosthawks. Worker Protections highest caliber is 6.5 as well as vigi, and neither can buy ANY explosives, armed vehicles, or armored vehicles. At least not without getting a bounty or being shot at by APD. What does this mean? It means If your playing as WPL or VIGI your outnumbered 3-1 in almost any fight, even if its a 1v1. How do we know this? TESTING! If you have had the opportunity to test with armor alone then you would know even with a carrier light (tier 3 armor) with a 5.56 caliber it takes 5 shots to either tase or kill someone with it 6.5 takes 3 shots and if your playing VIGI its very hard to obtain the points to obtain a Promat. The Mk1 only takes between 1 and 2, and is the main gun everyone uses when playing rebel. Its a huge problem because guess what? If your playing as a WPL or VIGI good luck shooting anyone out of an Orca, Strider, Hunter, Ifrit, or Ghosthawk let alone even doing the slightest bit of damage! Which brings me to my next point WPL And VIGI have no special vehicles. Why would this matter? Because If your fighting APD or a Rebel you don't even have the chance of running away or running into a fight without getting blasted out of your vehicle right away. It's an even bigger problem If your a VIGI because if APD spots you in one and they rip you out of it, You will get your Vigi license removed! I propose the following to balance the factions: 7.62 to VIGI and WPL for points and put Promat in for money instead of renown shop (spar 17, Rahim, MK1, AKM, AK-12, RPK) Add larger magazines to VIGI (5.56 150RND MAGS, Kar-95 75round mags) Promat slugs to VIGI (For Renown points) Add SDAR to VIGI for underwater bounties and to WPL for Underwater protection IE salvage Add ADR-97 to VIGI and WPL Add Kozlice to VIGI (For Renown Points) Add an MX variant to VIGI Tier 5 Armor and Helmets to VIGI (For Renown points) Add some kind of Armed Vehicle to VIGI (LMG 4wd) Add Strider or Hunter to VIGI with Identifying paint (for Renown Points) Rule change to state clearly that in a fight with other people and you can't tase them you can keep x amount of them tased for as long as you want Add a mechanic to VIGI where you can switch to lethal for 20% (or however much) of the bounty and/or not receive one yourself @ Big John @ Box-C @ Sir Rebral Palsy @ SPBojo @ monster @ WALT @ Siltonious Milton II @ syndrome @ ViiRuS @ kny @ -VACANT- @ Mudiwa @ ares @ nman @ MoChriss @ Frankie @ Bobby Lord @ TheHeroNoob @ MBPslyr @ Rufus @ Ricky Falzo @ Headtaps @ Lucky luciano @ batcan1
  12. Remove the MK1 From Rebel and APD Or Give It To Every Faction (rebel, APD, WPL, VIGI)
  13. I dont see a problem with staff playing on the server with a separate account. Here's the problem I have personally come across 3 admins that had bounties and then they're magically in "staff mode"
  14. @ Headless
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9azL8_SeTU
  16. Nobody asked for this. We all want it removed right?
  18. Rapture

    s1 kav house

    ill trade u a moonshine house
  19. 750 storage server 1 https://gyazo.com/a3558f7125ea07c1fafdf5aac7f63aa6
  20. Rapture


  21. So I KnOw ThIS GuY
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