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Everything posted by Orpkoobcam

  1. Mate it doesn't seem like you quite got it, I was trying to say that it was important that people saw it as an rp community, where we should be nice to each other. Tman for instance came to me yesterday and said that he prolly shouldn't have shot me, and we where 100p ok. Now you on the other hand, come here and shout "admin lock it!" wtf is that. It's a statement that transfers all disagreement into hate. Thanks for not liking my post, if it had nothing to do with you please keep out of it. Seems like you just came here to be a bully anyways.
  2. I got 900k on my account, and my friend ows me 300k, money wasn't the issue, it's that the apd did not do hos job. Money wise I do not care about rdm either, not even if I lose like 200k in gear, it's that the rules was not followed, and that the person who did it, has no intention of doing it better. See, the apd I spoke about replied and thought he had done everything right, that's the prob. I just bought 2 new hatchbacks and a quad.
  3. What also just came to mind is that the police did not impound my vehicle and it has since been destroyed... I lost my quad because of the police...
  4. Tman15tmb, if you have read all I have written, you would know that you tolk me that I was able to just get out of that moving vehicle, that was why that person tried to get involved, his ign is GOOD GUY DENNY and he was, on my screen, able to move through things and just dissappear again. The whole problem based around you shooting not just the tires but me, for to then just saying that I could have gotten out of a moving vehicle, by "Ejecting" while I tried to explain to you why I did not do that you just issued the tickets to get me shut the fuck up. Afterwards you just walked away and refused to discuss it further. The other person, btw, did not see the whole event, but came over to say that yes you could infact get out of a moving vehicle, to wich the answer was yes you could, then I asked you wether you would survive doing just that, to wich you refused to answer and just moved along. You didn't tackle this case the right way and the prove of that is this whole thread, if you had tackled it just decent, like the other apds I'v ehad on me, I would not have written anything on here. And what does Thomas even mean with lawyered, it's not like you came with evidence nor any rules like Hades did so nicely.
  5. Still he and the admin could have told me. Thanks
  6. Did not at all think I was RDM. It had been about 30 minutes after I ran someone over, there were a lot of noice on the square, and I was going to a hold when I finally heard him (he said he had given me 3 warnings, though I did only see him run towards me with a gun at some point, I also pointed out to him that I was pretty sure he left my name out of it, wich he had very little to say to. Got restrained, was talking to him about what happened, said to him that I would need him to help me understand what had happened, instead he gives me the ticket so I couldn't speak, then I said that we needed t talk a little more before he gave me the final one, since I thought that he was being rude, he gave the next one right before I had finished my sentence. I was told by what I assume was an admin that you could eject from moving vehicles without getting killed, which has proven not true during my time in arma 3. A friend told me right after that he had gotten him self killed multiple times by ejcting from 3km/t vehicles. Also, why would he shoot my when I was stopping anyway, wether or not I could have ejected, he should have focused on that I didn't drive faster or tried to get away, that was what would have counted. And yes I would need proof if I expected anything to be done from the admins. But the case is, this is supposed to be a community, someone who enjoys playing together, and I have a hard time doing just that, when someone list tman15tmb pulls those kinds of stunts. Like he told me that I could not prove that he had done nothing because I did not record it, like wtf he just has to play by the rules. If people like him only wanna play by the rules if it's all documented or his fucking parents are looking, then fuck this. Thanks for your reply though.
  7. Sooo, I do not have a video recorder. I do not intend to get hold of any program that records my ingame activity. Bacause it should not be needed. We are playing on a server. RP server. And some people are so fucking stupid, and has a lack of knowledge about the game mechanics, combined with a nice strong trigger finger. So yeah, I'm talking about the police, most I like, I and do let them know that I think it's nice how they keep Kavala safe (partly from me). Though today/night, I experienced a cop just shooting me... Yes. He restrains me and I ask what has happened. So I had ran someone over (someone was breaking in to a vehicle in the middle of Kavala, I tried to evade the vehicle but failed to do so, he was hit by the vehicle), though I had not heard the police man say anything untill just before he shot me, where I came to a full hold on my quadbike (in the middle of Kavala square, where I was picking up a friend). So I try to tell him that he should not have shot me since I had just come to a full hold, keeps jabbing on about how it's all nonsence, and trying to evade the talk about his failed attempt to be a cop and possibly saying sorry to me. I then tell him, after paying the 10k ticket, that I would post a thread on here because I wanted to know hoe off I was. Well he tells me that I can do nothing about his actions since I did not have video of it... wtf... If he thought he did the right thing why would he say something like that? Well that I never got an anwer to, instead someone I assume is an admin came by and said that yes you can infact get out of a moving vehicle, while this is true, I would have died, to which he does not agree. He says he will show me, instead he just takes his vehicle and goes to a full hold LIKE I DID (like I'm not SUPER retarded despite what some may think, but I am aware of breaks), after confronting him, the police officer comes over again and says that he is tired of the discussion, though it has nothing to do with him, but a game mechanic... That was about when I bailed, went away and logged, then wrote this. TL;DR: read the above. I'm not sure this is a server I wanna play on. I've seen german servers that has gotten my interest even though my german ist doch sehr schlecht. Idk tell me if I'm off if I think this story seems unfair. My ign is Orpkoobcam, idk if I can post the assumed admins or the cops ign names, but if I can you just need to ask for them. Have a nice evening, I'm signing off to see a series. And thanks to all the good cops... hmmm... I might send in an application.
  8. Don't update if you intend to just log on to the server. I made the mistake and are furiously searching the web for answer to how I downgrade. If you know how I downgrade please leave an answer. Have a nice day all Orpkoobcam
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