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Everything posted by Donald.

  1. Yeah haha, I am a Canadian
  2. Mans got me messed up over here
  3. Thanks for the nice comments guys. It really puts a smile on my face after i got 12 down votes on a opinion I posted. Much love to all who are kind
  4. Hi, So i am 16 and wanting to join the army in a few years and I was wondering if there are any ex military members or people that are knowledgeable about things in the army that could help me know more about what i am going to be doing and what i am expected to do and what i am truly getting into. Mostly I wanted to know if you can do college easily whilst balancing army duties. Thanks!!
  5. Oh no pls dont take my money!!!! haha how are you guys doing nice to meet you both?
  6. Hi guys, my name is Donald I am 16 years old i, I have been playing on this server for a few weeks now and I am completely in love with the Atmosphere and attitude. People have been great to me. The support and members really show that they care about this community which is awesome. My goals in this server are to Be in R&R and the APD as well as be apart of the support team. SO far i have fulfilled my goal to join R&R and I am loving every second of it. Thanks for having me guys.
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