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Michael Shade

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Posts posted by Michael Shade

  1. 33 minutes ago, ALLAH SAVE ME said:

    However, it is important to realize that unlike when you get arrested by the APD, you can't buy time or even RP with a vigi... All they see are the dollar signs. Just was playing on S1 and the second I killed a person and got a 80k bounty, there was a vigi right behind me ready to taze me. The worst part is that from the moment I got tazed it took about 30 seconds for me to go to jail from when I got tazed. Its a huge problem that once you get restrained by a vigi, you have a window of about 1 min to actually get to your teammate who was tazed.

    i agree, i think that vigis are pretty useless and stupid as they add nothing to the game except getting randomly tazed with little RP, vigi tazer abuse etc. it isnt hard to get into APD so if people want to arrest people then they can easily apply, but as you said vigis are only in it for money. The only thing they can do that cops cant is go after someone for no reason at all for the bounty.


    6 minutes ago, Robinhood said:

    Look... i know ive vigid half you guys in this thread but cmon.... do you know how many ppl i get that combat log or exploit to kill themselves??? i have worked hard for the 10 mil in my bank account. We give up a KDR because we use tazers all day.. Whenever we get rdmd someone always steals our fakin restraints (this never fails)... IF YOU DONT WANT TO GET VIGID STOP SITTING IN SQUARE WITH 400K LOADOUTS. If this anti-vigi movement keeps up the way it is we're gonna have to start pushing cap. 

    is this really what you want your first post to be friend

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  2. i don't like vigis but them being close does make logical sense as they are a legal faction so they would be closer than rebel, though i would support moving them slightly further away, and i agree on the other two. i hate trying to talk to someone in kav square and a vigi comes up and takes them away.

  3. I've been playing a few weeks now, some of you may know me, others not since I'm a server 2 only boyo until recently. I've been having a ton of fun meeting new peeps, and its been a blast going from total arma noob to mostly arma noob but one that knows the controls. I've just recently been accepted into both APD and R&R and i have big aspirations in them both so you'll be seeing me on pretty darn often so long as my classes allow it. Anyways hello to you, I look greatly forward to playing with you all and having some damn good times.


    - Cheers, Michael Shade

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