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Valentino Rossi

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Everything posted by Valentino Rossi

  1. I'll do 5m for you bruh
  2. Yeah I was just wondering why the grey areas are so fucking grey...cant it just be black and white? Like it shouldnt matter if maybe 2 shots landed on the heli, he still should've just flown away after he was warned but decided to just sit there and get dropped
  3. Post your price
  4. How much you want for it? I'll outbid any nerds here, since I love dropping helis
  5. I didnt think I hit it I fired in its direction but it was moving, just wanted to make sure he heard the shots but nobody was killed only after he hovered above me not flying away I gave it like 5 secs and opened fire he did not attempt to evade the shots just stood there...and i was out in the open he could see me pointing the gun right at him, i may be wrong but irl if you dont want to get shot at and you hear shots near your heli and maybe one hits the heli then fly the fuck away right?
  6. If I shoot warning shots at a heli flying near me and let's say some shots actually did hit the heli apparently BUT the person instead of flying away hovers about 200m on top of me while he has a gunner on benches, and I proceed to empty half my mk200 magazine onto the heli and drop it...is that rdm? Or he justified to just hover there and not fly away? The tard said he was gonna report because he didnt try to land at all so its rdm but I feel like if you have a gunner on benches I'm not gonna let you shoot at me I'm just gonna take you down for not flying away
  7. can we please stop allowing cops to crash into pharmaceautical truck and blow us up. k? thanks also if you play cop it doesnt take much to rp and not sound like youre reading a fucking script. :* love you
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