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Everything posted by Mr.Fooble

  1. Hell Yeah! #Fuckreal
  2. Hahaha love the comments, And @Vedalkenn I'd be happy to let you rob me, you seem to need some money!
  3. Straight off of Tanoa I'd like to introduce myself, My name is James, Mr. James Fooble but you can call me Mr.Fooble (and that's pronounced with two os like poop). My entire life from a young boy I've had an interest in Firearms, So of course what better to do then start making them? So at age 17, I studied my favorite gun the AK-12, of course making firearms is illegal so once I got involved in a gang SHTF, now 4 years later after I finally escaped Tanoa seeking a new life, new friends & new adventures! I'm broke. Stop robbing me. It's not cool.
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