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Posts posted by Dylan117

  1. How people are hating on me for the post if you notcie my original post was, no rp, straight to jail. Basically 15+ kills and they say bye thats all. GG no rp. but lets hate on the door i dont care about that. just saying. But if you wanna be technical about everything else being realistic, a cop wouldnt shoot threw a door not knowing if per say a "woman or child" was on the otherside. They would kick the door in and clear it. my $0.02.

    Not always true. There was an instance where my dad was apart of a SWAT entry into a house. They knew the bad guy was holed up in a closet of sorts, so one of the guys put a three-round-burst of 9mm through the wall to flush him out. In the police world, there's a jury behind every bullet and no action was taken against that officer. What he did was justifiable. Now I don't want to get too off topic; I understand you're a little miffed at how some people are hating on your post. While I am not hating on your post, I am posting a view that some of the other posters on this thread may agree with. I guess we can just agree to disagree on the matter. Maybe with (BurBan) taking a hiatus from cop killing things will be nice for a while, haha!

    Yah I guess your right clemenza but if you are an officer of the law shooting 3 shots into a closet is different then shooting shots through the main mouse door that's not a confined space like a closet firing 3shots into a closet is because he most likely will shoot through the door himself the second he sees. The handle turn

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