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Everything posted by hee

  1. hee

    biggest arma accomplishment is taking the screenie for ur cover photo 

  2. hee

    WTS Car95 taser

    ill post vid in a sec lol https://gyazo.com/5c3e7d2aeb3f0bdff13e4c982bf3b240 well shit tf i wonder if it was a bug. i robbed it off a guy and engaged someone else then when i shot him with it he got tased
  3. dont wanna log in for screenies but if you want it ill send it. 100round mag kind
  4. hee

    xanax o7

    a month later and he still cant get the server out of his mind </3
  5. This has the be the best solution. 1. Cops need to engage on the player they see interacting with the house/gang shed if they want to raid it. and 2. 3 waves max then the house can no longer be raided until another player is engaged the next reset If they fix those two things there would be no issue. Cops dont get to raid houses with no fight and civs can actually win
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