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Everything posted by Toastyy

  1. I haven't ever asked anyone while being serious about it until today nor did I mention anything about how long I had been a deputy so I wasn't begging or anything I was genuinely curious how the system works from the other end Yeah I keep forgetting to check the forums for the updates but now its my homepage for one of my browsers so I will stay more up to date with all the changes and updates I just thought that someone might think that by now I should be ready to be evaluated. and another fine point was that sometimes I wonder if people fail their ride along and get demoted from deputy to nothing
  2. Haha I'm broke as shit but at least I'm BurBan lol wanna donate for me (Just kidding)
  3. I know what you mean by that but Im just wondering why two months isnt long enough and I have played with Corporals and such while doing jail breaks and Fed robberies and I find that usually I do everything correctly maybe no everything I do is perfect but I guess you have to really impress someone before they recommend you but I will ask P.O.'s and such about my performance from now I cant believe I didnt think of that earlier. Okay I see that now. I'm also not trying to start anything with the thread I was genuinely curious how this worked.
  4. So I just wanted to know how the ranking system works for the Sergeants and such. I'm not trying to draw attention to my story or anything but only because I am genuinely curious because I see people getting Patrol Officer all the time. So I have been a Deputy for 7 weeks and have played Cop for 4748 minutes and in that time I had only asked for a ride along twice, first because I was joking and expected nothing of it, and second because I was told by Ace to do so. I had only been asked once how long I had been around and that was by Snake after I gave him the info to my original to APD application he left and never spoke of it again. So last night I was playing with a bunch of guys on server two and at then end of the night I was chatting with the other Deputy that was with us and my time on Olympus came up and all the Corporals told me that I should have said something a long time ago about a ride along and I told them that I thought asking just got you in big trouble and they said that after playing for a 1000+minutes I shouldve said something about it, right before I got off I was told by Ace that he would update my notes andthat if anyone was on later I should ask them for a ride along... So today I was playing on Server 3 and I saw that Ares came on when I asked him if he was available for a quick ride along and that I was told by Ace to ask for one he said "There is no point in asking it just puts you at the bottom of the list". So I was confused how this works How does a Sergeant and such decide if someone gets a ride along? Do you have to be recommended? (Commonly spoken of as a way to get promoted). Do you have to be recognized as a capable Deputy?(If this than please explain). Does someone just look up your stats and decides that this player has been around long enough he should know the rules well enough? I just want to know how the proccess works because I would really like to work towards a promotion and Im sure others would too I dont know if this is against forum rules to post this here if so I am sorry If this is annoying cause you see it as a Deputy bitching about stupid shit then let me know and I will just remove it
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